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Recruitment bag is LEGO's official name for polybags. LEGO is now making polybags in recyclable paper packaging instead, so continuing to call them polybags would not be correct. We will now refer to all polybags as recruitment bags.
We have one of the largest selections of LEGO Polybags available to purchase in the UK. We regularly add more so remember to bookmark this page if you are a fan of polybags. Many of the polybags we sell are limited edition and have only been available for short periods of time or in selected stores/countries.
We sell polybags from many LEGO themes including Star Wars, Ninjago, City, Friends, Creator,Technic, Speed Champions, Super Heroes and more. We also sell a variety of Seasonal themed polybags such as Christmas and Valentine's day. Please contact us if you are looking for a product in particular as not all of the LEGO Polybags that we have in stock are currently listed for sale.
LEGO City 30315 Space Utility Vehicle Recruitment Bag This LEGO City 30315 Space Utility Vehicle Recruitment Bag, released in 2015, includes a tota...
View full detailsGrab a rare polybag which was released by Lego for Valentines day in 2011. Now very hard to find. Build the love this Valentines Day with the L...
View full detailsGrab a rare Lego 40051 polybag that was released for Valentines day in 2013. Becoming very rare and hard to find. Build 2 heart-shaped LEGO® brick ...
View full detailsLEGO Harry Potter 30651 Quidditch Practice Polybag - CASE DEAL x30 Save £14.70 vs RRP New LEGO Harry Potter polybag for spring 2023 55 LEGO piece...
View full detailsLEGO Disney 30552 Ariel's Underwater Symphony Recruitment Bag Take home this rare and exclusive LEGO Disney 30552 Ariel's Underwater Symphony Recru...
View full detailsLEGO 40053 Easter Bunny with Basket Polybag Very rare polybag of an Easter Bunny with Basket from 2013. Discontinued and very hard to find! Easter ...
View full detailsLEGO 6486167 Chinese New Year Opera Singer 4-in-1 Asia Exclusive Asia Exclusive Chinese New Year 2024 Opera Singer build. Experience the vibrant cu...
View full detailsLEGO Star Wars 30625 Luke Skywalker with Blue Milk Polybag Quench your thirst for adventure with LEGO Star Wars 30625 Luke Skywalker with Blue Milk...
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